terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2016

OECD Education and Skills Webinar series Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed

You are invited to attend a webinar with Andreas Schleicher, Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, and PISA Analyst Daniel Salinas, to present the findings of this report.
Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed examines low performance at school by looking at low performers’ family background, education career and attitudes towards school. The report also analyses the school practices and educational policies that are more strongly associated with poor student performance. Most important, the evidence provided in the report reveals what policy makers, educators, parents and students themselves can do to tackle low performance and succeed in school.
When: 18:00 Paris time on Wednesday, 10 February, 2016.
Where: The convenience of your own computer. For registration see instructions below.
To register for the online webinar
2. Click on "Register" and enter the information requested. There is no password required for registration.

3. Click "Submit".

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